Head of Regulatory and Fiscal Services

Alessandro Babini

Membro della direzione, responsabile dell’Area Servizi Normativi e Fiscali. Dirige il team dell’area dei servizi normativi e fiscali. Svolge attività di consulenza legale, amministrativa e fiscale finalizzata all’apertura e alla conseguente gestione della partita IVA svizzera per le imprese italiane ma anche all’apertura societaria sul territorio elvetico. Fornisce supporto alle imprese anche su temi di carattere doganale e relativi al mercato del lavoro in Svizzera (distacco dei lavoratori).

About Member

Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen, consented adipescent alit, seed do deism temper incident but labored dolore aliquant. Ute denim ad minim venial, quips nostrum exercitation ollamh laborism nisi UT Aliquippa ex ea. commode consequent Duis acute inure dolor in reprehended in volutid chillum dolore au fugit nullar patriate. Excerpter sent caeca cuspidate non provident, shunt in culpa qui official deferent mullet anima id Est labarum. Team provide motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on successful.
Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen, consented adipescent alit, seed do deism temper incident but labored dolore aliquant. Ute denim ad minim venial, quips nostrum. Team provide motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on successful.

Skills of Member

Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Team provide guidance, motivation and support you need to get your life on successful.
Career coaching
Increase power
Business Course

Benefits of Member

Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Team provide guidance, motivation and support you need to get your life on successful.

Member Experience

Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen, consented adipescent alit, seed do deism temper incident but labored dolore aliquant. Ute denim ad minim venial, quips nostrum exercitation ollamh laborism nisi UT Aliquippa ex ea. commode consequent Duis acute inure dolor in reprehended in volutid. Team provide motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on successful.

Contact Me

Qualified career specialist with over 20 years of experience. Member provide guidance, motivation and support you need to get your life on successful.
(insert contact form here)