YEX: Italian Tech meets Basel 13 DicembreDic 2023 17:00 - 20:00Barfüsserplatz 20, Basilea, Svizzera


Yex (Young executives Group) lands in Basel on the 13th of december 2023, powered by CCIS (Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Svizzera)

For the first time in Basel YEX targets the international business community and provides it with a young, dynamic and informal networking platform


“QualySense a Swiss-Italian tech story”


A successful Italian founder in Switzerland Francesco Dell’Endice, CEO at QualySense will give a short speech on his start-up experience in Switzerland and will share his views with all participants


Where: Boutique Panerai, BARFÜSSERPLATZ 20 - BASEL

When:  Wednesday 13th of december 2023, 17.00 - 20.00

Entry: gratis for CCIS members and CHF 25 for non members


During the event, we take photos and videos. It's possible that we may use a picture of you for social media, etc. If you don't wish for this, feel free to let us know. By providing your email address, Panerai can send you information about other events and other communications. You can unsubscribe from these services at any time via the Panerai website.


For info and subscriptions:





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    Boutique Panerai, Barfüsserplatz 20, Basilea, Svizzera

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