A piece of wood is not completely owned: it is cherished and handed down. This is the spirit and, even before that, the identity of the brondello sawmill. Here, above all, wood is given a new life: that which will be able to inhabit our homes, in the form of floors, wall coverings with high insulating power, and even furniture, doors and portals that furnish homes.

For “brondelloerminio,” it is right to give new life to things and therefore also to wood. Time evolves and perfects matter, so we believe it is right to say “We Give Time to Time.” Wood is recovered, studied, processed and thus recycled: trees that have fallen in the woods due to natural causes, piles of boards, lumber forgotten for decades, beams from old buildings, even centuries old, only here undergo regeneration. With this way of working, what comes to life is the summa between your wishes and our know-how. Slow craftsmanship that only time can preserve.

🌐 To discover the entire supply chain of old wood, visit our website

📧 To discover our products and request a customized one, please contact us by email at info@brondelloerminio.it